Published on: 16 February, 2016
Read Time: 2 min
My second question was about mammography and breast exams: I forgot how long the midwife told me to wait last year (6 months? 3 months?), after breastfeeding… I’ve finished breastfeeding about 2 months ago. How long do I wait to get a mammogram? I need one because my mother had breast cancer and I started getting mammograms in my early 30’s… I’m now 39 and haven’t had one since before becoming pregnant (the mammo was mid- 2013, I think).
Mammograms are an important screening tool for all women, and especially so in the case of women who are considered high-risk for breast cancer.
Though mammograms are safe to have while you’re breastfeeding because the amount of radiation from the test is very little, many midwives recommend waiting 6 months after you finish breastfeeding for your breasts to go back to normal before having a screening mammogram. In the case of a woman with concerning symptoms or a higher risk of breast cancer due to family history and genetics, a mammogram can be done earlier.
The sooner you can book your mammogram, the better because of your family history. You can book an appointment to see one of our nurse practitioners anytime, either by calling one of our offices or by booking online. Same day appointments are also available.
Breast ultrasounds and MRIs may also be an option for women with a higher risk of developing breast cancer or even those who are actively breastfeeding and find a lump or experience abnormal symptoms. In your case, depending on your symptoms, if any, and whether or not something suspicious is felt during your breast exam with one of our nurse practitioners; a diagnostic mammogram may be recommended over a screening mammogram.
Contact your local office or use our online booking option to make an appointment with a provider who can help you with a breast exam as well as getting the screening that best suits your needs.
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