Patient Forms & Logs
- Referral form
- New Patient Medical History form
- Glucose Log Form
- Consultation & Imaging Services Referral Form
- Blood Pressure Log
- Managing Gestational Diabetes
- Fetal Kick Counts Log
- The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine
- Mother To Baby (information on medication and other teratogen exposures in pregnancy)
- National Institutes of Health LactMed (information on safety of medications during breast-feeding)
- American Diabetes Association (information on gestational diabetes)
- March of Dimes (information on pregnancy, prematurity, as well as support for high-risk pregnancies)
- Mayo Clinic Pregnancy Week by Week
- MedLine Plus Genetics (formerly Genetic Home Reference – information about genetic conditions, including genetic counseling resources, prenatal testing, and genetic disorders)
- US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (information on vaccines & pregnancy)