Advantia Health's new Women's Urgent Care practice is now open. Learn More

Rejuvenate your feminine health

Self-esteem & Confidence

Millions of women suffer from looseness, or decreased sensation with sex, due to childbirth, age, and a variety of other reasons that diminish their confidence and self-esteem. It is a common complaint in many sexually active women that regularly impacts personal relationships. Embarrassed, frustrated, and sad, women are often too uncomfortable to speak up.

Until recently, the only options have been Kegel exercises or surgery.

Our practice is pleased to offer Laser Vaginal Tightening with FemiLift.

Introducing FemiLift

Laser Vaginal Tightening

Laser Vaginal Tightening with FemiLift is a breakthrough treatment that can help restore a youthful vagina and improve stress urinary incontinence. The technology uses an Alma CO2 laser to deliver fractionated light and thermal energy to assist in vaginal mucosa revitalization. Alma Lasers, which manufactures the technology, is the worldwide leader of aesthetic and surgical laser technologies.

What is FemiLift?

FemiLift is an in-office aesthetic procedure without anesthesia or surgery. It is a fast, 10-15 minute procedure with little to no downtime and minimal side effects.

The lasting benefits of FemiLift can be an improved quality of life and deeply enhanced self-esteem.


Treatment for heavy periods is covered by most insurance plans, so the cost is usually the amount of your copay.

As with any medical procedure, we always recommended calling your insurance company to have them explain your coverage.

How is non-surgical Laser Vaginal Tightening performed?

The specialized laser probe is inserted into the vagina which can rotate 360 degrees. The light beam penetrates the vaginal epithelium to target the tissue where new collagen is produced. It is a virtually painless procedure without anesthesia or downtime. Most patients report that the treatment is more comfortable than having a Pap smear.

Is there any downtime following my vaginal rejuvenation procedure?

Patients return to normal, daily activities following their procedure. However, sexual intercourse should be avoided for 5 days. A patient who is treated on a Monday may have sex by Friday night.

How do I know if I am a good candidate for Laser Vaginal Tightening?

Laser Vaginal Tightening is safe for most women, including those with other vaginal concerns such as pelvic relaxation, vaginal prolapse, stress urinary incontinence, endometriosis, and pelvic pain. It is recommended to wait 3 months after childbirth to have the treatment. Women may use all forms of birth control including an IUD, or have had previous pelvic surgery such as a vaginal repair or hysterectomy.

Am I a candidate if I’m post-menopausal and will I get relief from my vaginal dryness?

Laser Vaginal Tightening is ideal for the post-menopausal woman. The treatment promotes collagen production and remodeling in the vagina which in turn results in a return of the rugae, or architecture, that is lost with menopause. Women report improved lubrication and a decrease in pain associated with penetration. There is a return of a more youthful vagina.

Are there any side effects I should know about?

Women should be prepared to experience increased vaginal sensation and pleasure following each treatment. Vaginal lubrication may improve and orgasms may become more intense. There are rare risks that may be associated with this procedure which your practitioner will discuss with you. Some women may experience a watery discharge or spotting for only a day or two. Any further concerns you may have will be discussed during your consultation.

Who will be performing the laser treatments?

Our physicians have received extensive training and certification in the use of FemiLift. At your consultation, we will review your symptoms and perform an examination to determine your best treatment options. Once we confirm that you are a FemiLift candidate, you may then begin your series of treatments. The treatments are performed in our Silver Spring, Maryland office with no need for anesthesia.

How long does the FemiLift treatment last?

Present data suggest that with 3 treatments over a 12-week time period and especially with a “touch-up” after one year, the effects are experienced for at least 1-3 years.

Are there other uses of the FemiLift technology?

The FemiLift laser technology may also be used to:

  • Re-surface stretch marks and surgical scars
  • “Bleach” darkened peri-vaginal and peri-anal skin

How much does Laser Vaginal Tightening cost?

The full package price is $2,700 (paid upfront) for the series of 3 treatments, plus $1,000 for the touch-up treatment a year later.

Individual treatments may also be purchased for $1,000 each.

FemiLift treatments are not currently covered by insurance.

How do I know if I qualify for the treatment?

Step 1

Schedule a private consultation by calling our office: (301) 768-4535

Step 2

Your practitioner will review your medical history.

Step 3

Your practitioner will do a routine gynecological exam, which may include a Pap smear.

Step 4

Your practitioner will advise you if you qualify for the treatment.

Step 5

If you do qualify, your practitioner will schedule you for 3 treatments over a 12-week time period (1 every 4 weeks).

More questions about FemiLift?

Give us a call to learn more.

Phone: (301) 768-4535